Getting a Piercing in Canggu: Can I Surf After?

A person surfing

Canggu, Bali’s bohemian paradise, has rapidly grown in popularity over the past few years. This small coastal town, once just a laid-back surfer’s haven, has evolved into a cultural melting pot boasting art galleries, trendy cafés, yoga retreats, and much more. One thing that’s gaining traction in Canggu is the body art culture, particularly piercing. With more and more travelers opting for a Canggu piercing as a lasting memory of their trip, a common question arises: “Can I hit the surf immediately after?”

Understanding the Piercing Healing Process

Firstly, to address this question adequately, it’s essential to understand the biology behind it. When you get a piercing, you’re essentially creating a wound. And like any wound, it undergoes several phases of healing:

  1. Initial healing phase: This is the immediate aftermath of getting a piercing. Depending on the piercing location, this phase can last from a few days to several weeks. The pierced area can experience redness, slight swelling, and tenderness. Most importantly, it’s the time when the risk of infections is skyrocketing.
  2. Secondary healing phase: After the initial phase, the external appearance of the piercing might seem healed. However, this can be deceiving, as the inner layers of the skin can take anywhere from months to a year to heal fully.

The Potential Perils of Surfing Post-Piercing

Canggu is renowned for its surfing culture. The thrill of riding its waves is something many don’t want to delay, but there are risks associated with hitting the sea immediately after a piercing:

Water Contamination: The oceans, as beautiful and refreshing as they are, are teeming with bacteria. While many people romanticize the idea of sea salt being good for wounds, the truth is, it’s not the sterile environment you’d want for a fresh piercing. Surfing in Canggu’s waters after getting a piercing might lead to infections.

Physical Impact: Surfing is an intense sport. Wipeouts, accidental knocks with the surfboard, or even the pressure from diving under waves could be traumatic for a fresh piercing, causing complications in the healing process or even dislodging the jewelry.

Sand and Sun: Let’s not forget about the sandy beaches. Sand particles can irritate a fresh piercing. Moreover, prolonged exposure to the sun can cause increased sensitivity, leading to inflammation and further slowing down the healing process.

Cautious Surfing After Your Canggu Piercing

If the pull of the waves is too strong to resist after getting your Canggu piercing, here are some pointers to keep in mind:

  1. Minimum Waiting Period: Before you grab your board and head to the beach, wait at least 24-48 hours post-piercing. This gives your body a fighting chance to initiate the healing process.
  2. Cleanliness is Key: Once you’re done with your surfing session, ensure you clean the piercing thoroughly with a saline solution. This helps to wash away any contaminants that might have made their way to the pierced area.
  3. Barrier Protection: While not 100% effective, using a waterproof bandage or covering can offer some level of protection against direct water contact. It’s crucial, however, not to rely on this as your only line of defense.
  4. Stay Alert: Listen to your body. Any signs of increased redness, swelling, unusual discharge, or pain should be taken seriously. If you notice any of these symptoms, consult a professional.

Final Thoughts

While Canggu offers a dual temptation of both exhilarating surf and the allure of a trendy piercing, the combination of the two in quick succession might not be ideal. If you’re passionate about both, strategize your trip. Perhaps, schedule your session towards the end of your visit. This allows for a few initial days of healing without the beckoning of the waves.

Piercings, especially those done in memorable places like Canggu, are not just about the aesthetic appeal but the story they tell. To ensure your Canggu piercing story isn’t one of infections and complications, give your body the time it deserves to heal. After all, the waves aren’t going anywhere, and you can always ride them once you’re completely healed and ready.