Building Agility For Your Business To Grow Better and Faster


In the past year, many business have worked faster and better from thriving to surviving and back again. No one know what the future holds but one thing certain is change. It is the one certain thing we should always be aware of. There will always be challenges in the future regardless of the circumstances. Every challenge may cause change. And what we have to be prepared for our business is agility. It is important element for any business to grow better and faster in any situation.

Creating business agility

Agility can be inherent through values and behaviors of an organization. The individuals involved in the organizations should be empowered by adaptability, creativity, and resilience. When they make those quality their behavior and habits, it will transfer into the business, making them more prepared and flexible when they face any complexity and uncertainty in the future. 

How to build agility

Building agility requires process so it doesn’t happen overnight. People may develop agility after experiencing the impact of global pandemic in the past year, making them more agile in navigating their business now. So how to help your team building their agility to help grow your business better and faster?

Allow freedom for your team to grow

The point of creating  a team is to create collaborative environment where every member communicate openly and work together to reach the goals. It also means that every individual should be given the same opportunity to speak and to be heard. That’s why it is also important to choose people who share similar value and a can-do approach. Give freedom within clear boundaries within safe environment. Encourage your team to pursue their own ideas and trust them to apply their own judgment. Give them your guidance when needed and authority to get things done, then see what it turns out to. 

Encourage failure within parameters

Always make room for failure because it is not the end of everything when your team fail at trying something as long as you give clear parameters. Allow your team to fail safely by letting them try their ideas, air them, and learn through doing. When you allow them as such, it means they are being heard. It will inspire positive workplace and performance. Your team will keep trying to get better and better until they exceed your expectation. 

Use collaborative approach

Always encourage open communication and delegate responsibility while offering guidance to your team. Also, nurture their mental-wellness and allow them to grow on their own. You need to use collaborative approach within solid structure so everything is done in collaborative work where every individual still know where they stand and know they limit on things they should work within. This encourage your team to work efficiently while receiving support. 

When your business has the agility at its core (the people), it will thrive in the future with healthy workforce. Hence, help your team grow better by giving them support, unleashing their potential, and harness it.